VEGETA'S SAGA Episode 1 : The Arrival of Raditz Raditz, an evil alien space fighter, arrives on Earth, totally disappointed to find that his brother Goku has not completed his mission to destroy the human race. Episode 2 : The World's Strongest Team In a daring move, Goku joins forces with his enemy, Piccolo, in the battle to save the Earth from destruction. Episode 3 : Gohan's Hidden Powers In the most fierce battle, it seems that Goku must sacrifice his own life to destroy Raditz and save the human race. Episode 4 : Goku's Unusual Journey Goku sacrifices himself to ensure the destruction of Raditz and Piccolo begins to develop Gohan's incredible powers. Goku's allies set out to gather all seven Dragon Balls to wish Goku back to existence. Episode 5 : Gohan's Metamorphosis Piccolo takes Gohan to a deserted wasteland to train him to exploit his incredible power. Episode 6 : Gohan Makes a Friend The allies assemble for training in preparation for the battle of the century against the Saiyans. Episode 7 : Trouble on Arlia The evil Saiyan warriors Nappa and Vegeta are getting closer to Earth, eager to gather the seven Dragon Balls, while Gohan continues survival training and Goku (in the other realm) hopes to being his training. Episode 8 : Home for Infinite Losers Goku has fallen off Snake Way to the land of no return, but he is shown a secret passage as a reward for catching the fastest ogre in the land. Episode 9 : Princess Snake's Hospitality A select group of warriors have gathered at the top of Korin Tower for special training which will prepare them for the arrival of the Saiyans, while Goku reaches the end of Snake Way only to fall into the hands of the beautiful Snake Princess. Episode 10 : Escape from Piccolo Gohan escapes the wilderness only to willingly return to training as Piccolo reminds him of his mission : to save the Earth. >Episode 11 : Showdown in the Past The Warriors experience the reality of the power of the Saiyans in virtual reality and renew their vow to train and fight for the future of the Earth. Meanwhile Gohan begins his intensive fighting training under Piccolo. Episode 12 : The End of Snake Way Goku finally reaches King Kai and begins a rather unorthodox form of training in the days left before the Saiyans arrive, while Gohan continues his training. Episode 13 : A Fight Against Gravity Catch Bubbles Goku conquers gravity and displays amazing speed so he can be trained by King Kai himself, while the rest of the good guys polish their skills for the showdown against the Saiyans. Episode 14 : The Legends of the Saiyans Goku continues his training under King Kai, as King Kai reveals to Goku his unknown Saiyan heritage. Episode 15 : Black Day for the Planet Earth The evil Saiyans, Nappa and Vegeta, finally land on Earth and luanch a diabolical wake up call for the planet. Goku is called back to help defend Earth, but can Earth's Special Forces hold out until he arrives? Episode 16 : The Battle Begins...Goku Where Are You? As Goku finds his way back, Earth's Special Forces face off against the evil Saiyans and try to protect the Earth. But will all their additional training help them in their struggle against the diabolical aliens? Episode 17 : The Saibamen Strike Nappa and Vegeta launch a diabolical new villain...Planet people known as Saibaimen! Episode 18 : Nappa...The Invincible? Can anything stop this mighty Saiyan? Piccolo, Chiaotzu and the others go all out in their attempt to end his relentless attacks. Episode 19 : Tien Goes All Out! Tien takes up the challenge and goes all out against Nappa. Will his furry be enough to halt the titanic Saiyan? In the midst of the battle, a three hour reprise is given to await the arrival of the long-awaited Goku! Episode 20 : Time's Up! As the three hour reprise has ended Goku still has not shown. Can Earth's Special Forces hold out long enough to allow Goku to arrive, or will Earth fall prey to the Saiyan's plans? Episode 21 : The Return of Goku As the battle for the Earth rages on, Piccolo must make a critical decision to protect Gohan. And who's that making his arrival?...Goku! Episode 22 : Goku Strikes Back Goku takes his turn against the Nappa and teaches the thug that what you sow is what you will reap. Episode 23 : Goku vs. Vegeta...A Saiyan Duel Goku now faces his strongest opponent yet! Can he defeat the Strongest of the Saiyans? Episode 24 : Vegeta...Saiyan Style Vegeta launches a surprise attack and transforms into a giant ape! Episode 25 : Stop Vegeta Now! Krillin, Gohan, and Yajirobe step in to assist Goku in battling the mighty Vegeta. But will their efforts turn the tide? Episode 26 : Battle's End Gohan's Saiyan skills are called on as the warrior battles with Vegeta. Teamwork is required as the titanic battle for control of the Earth concludes. FREIZA'S SAGA Episode 27 : A New Goal...Namek! After defeating Vegeta and saving the Earth, Goku, Gohan, Krillin and the gang realize that there is a second set of magical Dragon Balls on the planet Namek. Episode 28 : Journey to Namek A spaceship is found which is capable of reaching the planet Namek and Bulma, Krillin and Gohan begin a journey for the original Dragon Balls. Episode 29 : Friends or Foe? Bulma and the gang rescue their captors from doom to gain their trust, and learn the reason for their suspicious behaviour. After turning their enemies into friends the gang renews their quest for Dragon Balls. Episode 30 : Hunt For A Dragon Ball New friends Raiti and Zaacro lead Bulma and the gang in their treacherous search for Dragon Balls. And before they can gain their reward they'll have to overcome some major obstacles, such as a tornado, acid lakes and an angry giant! Episode 31 : Who's Who? Discovery turns into danger in the quest for Dragon Balls, as Bulma and the gang require help from their Namekian friends Raiti and Zaacro. But are they really Namekian? ...And are they really friends? Episode 32 : Touchdown On Namek Escaping from the trap set by the devious Raiti and Zaacro, Bulma, Krillin and Gohan manage to land on the real planet Namek-only to find they're not alone! Others are also after the Dragon Balls! Episode 33 : Face Off On Namek On the planet Namek, Krillin and Gohan must battle two of Frieza's henchmen while Vegeta must dispose of Cui. But these skirmishes are not being overlooked! They're being witnessed by the watchful scouters of Freiza and his followers, who are already gathering a nice collection of Dragon Balls for themselves! Episode 34 : The Ruthless Frieza A sick Goku is mended with the help of magical Senzu beans. Being informed of the poor state of affairs on Namek, Goku takes off to find Bulma's dad, who is currently rebuilding Goku's old spaceship. Now Goku must try to rejoin with the gang before it's too late! Episode 35 : The Nameks Versus Frieza Goku begins training in the space pod designed by Bulma's dad! While on the planet Namek, a group of Namekian warriors are under attack from Frieza's evil henchmen. But with Dodoria on Frieza's side, the Namekian forces are in for a tough time! Episode 36 : Escape From Dodoria As the group of Namek warriors fall under Dodoria's assault, Krillin and Gohan must intervene to rescue a young Namek named Dende. Episode 37 : Secrets Revealed A returning Dodoria is interrupted by the arrival of an old acquaintance...Vegeta! As Vegeta shows his new skills, a frightened Dodoria bargains for his freedom by telling Vegeta the truth about the destruction of his home planet. Episode 38 : A Collision Course As Goku approaches planet Namek, problems ensue. It seems a tear in the space pod is causing him to plummet into a star. And as Goku tries to repair the spacecraft, things only get worse. While on Namek, Vegeta encounters a small village and tries to force the Namekian villagers to give over their Dragon Ball. Episode 39 : Stay Away From Frieza Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin are informed by Dende that they need to seek the help of the eldest Namek, Guru. Guru will be able to help them in their quest for the Dragon Balls. While in space, Goku is informed by King Kai that Yamcha, Chaotzu, Tien and Piccolo have arrived at King Kai's planet and are training under him. Episode 40 : Zarbon Transformed Training on King Kai's planet continues, as Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Tien, and Piccolo advance their fighting talents. While on Namek surprises are in store, as Frieza's sidekick Zarbon is surprised by Vegeta. Just as it appears Vegeta has bested the saucy warrior, Zarbon transforms into a beast. Episode 41 : The Eldest Namek Krillin and Dende reach Guru, the eldest Namek, and learn the mystery of how the Earth Dragon Balls were created, as well as Piccolo's strange origin. Realizing Krillin's good intention, Guru proceeds to reward him with a Dragon Ball, as well as awaken sleeping powers lying dormant within Krillin. Episode 42 : Get Vegeta! An injured Vegeta is located but since he alone knows the location of a hidden Dragon Ball, he must be rejuvenated. And a frustrated Frieza summons forth a fighting arsenal to find the Dragon Balls...the Ginyu Force! Elsewhere, Bulma's Dragon Radar locates Vegeta's hidden Dragon Ball and Gohan takes off to recover it. And on King Kai's planet, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu finish training with Bubbles and Gregory, and join Piccolo for their next level of training. Episode 43 : Vegeta Revived Gohan recovers Vegeta's hidden Dragon Ball and begins his return. While chaos strikes Frieza's camp, as Vegeta breaks free and escapes with all of Frieza's Dragon Balls. Frieza sends Zarbon to recover them, giving a one hour limit. Having safely stashed the Dragon Balls, Vegeta sees Krillin returning with yet another Dragon Ball, and follows in pursuit. Episode 44 : A Heavy Burden A magnetic space storm strikes Goku's space pod, causing the Gravitron to malfunction. Now Goku is trapped in a space pod of 100 times normal gravity! And on Namek, Krillin is met by Vegeta, who wants to force Krillin to give over his only Dragon Ball. But wait...Zarbon also arrives, and also plans to regain the Dragon Balls for Frieza. Episode 45 : Immortality Denied A stronger Vegeta overpowers Zarbon, gaining Krillin's Dragon Ball. Thinking he now has all seven of the Dragon Balls, an anxious Vegeta takes off to summon the Eternal Dragon. On his trip, however, he runs into Gohan returning with one of the Dragon Balls hidden by Vegeta. Episode 46 : Big Trouble For Bulma Krillin and Gohan take off to see Guru, with hopes that the eldest Namek can awaken hidden powers within Gohan, while Bulma watches over the Dragon Ball recovered by Gohan. But blasts from Frieza shake the planet, causing the Dragon Ball to slip into a deep lake, sinking to the bottom. Now to recapture the Dragon Ball, Bulma must face a sea monster as well as an angry giant crab in the watery depths! Episode 47 : Scramble for the Dragon Balls Bulma is captured by two of Frieza's henchmen, who plan to take her and her Dragon Ball back to Frieza. But Bulma convinces them that they should collect the Dragon Balls for themselves! The henchmen force Bulma to lead them to the location of the remaining Dragon Balls. Now Bulma, unaware of where the remaining Dragon Balls are located, must devise a plan to escape. Elsewhere, Gohan and Krillin are spotted by Vegeta on their journey to Guru. Episode 48 : Arrival of the Ginyu Force Goku completes training under 100 times normal gravity in preparation for his landing on the planet Namek. While on Namek, Krillin and Gohan detect Vegeta following them, so Krillin stays behind to delay Vegeta long enough for Guru to awaken Gohan's sleeping powers. But as the Ginyu Force arrives, the collective forces of Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan will not be enough to stop Frieza from gaining all of the Dragon Balls. That is, unless they team up to grant Vegeta immortal life! Will Krillin and Gohan go along with this incredible proposal? Episode 49 : Elite Fighters of the Universe...The Ginyu Force As all seven of the Dragon Balls are collected, Krillin decides not to allow Vegeta to summon the Eternal Dragon. Almost immediately, the the Ginyu Force has arrived. Using their unique skills the Ginyu capture all seven of the Dragon Balls before they can be discarded or destroyed. Now Captain Ginyu returns to Frieza with all of the Dragon Balls, leaving the remaining four Ginyu to finish off Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan! Episode 50 : Time Tricks and Body Binds Krillin and Gohan battle Guido of the Ginyu Force, discovering he has the ability to freeze time for brief periods! Undaunted, the warriors from Earth fight on, eventually wearing down Guido. But just as it appears Guido is no match, he launches his mind freeze...a move which leaves Gohan and Krillin defenseless. As the Ginyu warrior is finishing off Krillin and Gohan, Vegeta intervenes to save them from disaster and put Guido out of action! Now Vegeta must face an even stronger opponent...Recoome! Episode 51 : No Refuge From Recoome Vegeta battles Recoome but finds the him to be too powerful. As Gohan and Krillin intervene to aid the Saiyan warrior, they also fall prey to Recoome. Episode 52 : Enter Goku Having collected all seven Dragon Balls, Frieza is unable to summon the Eternal Dragon, and is off to find out why. Meanwhile fighting with Recoome continues, with Krillin down and Gohan shouldering the load. But a tough blow stops the young warrior. A strange space ship appears on the horizon...it's Goku! And he's got Senzu beans to heal the injured warriors! Episode 53 : Goku...Super Saiyan? With his sidekicks Krillin and Gohan healed, Goku patches up Vegeta, sharing his Senzu beans with him. But it's Goku alone that stands against the awesome Recoome, sending the giant Ginyu crashing in a single blow. Now Goku takes on the forces of Jiece and Burtter with ease. Has Goku become a legendary Super Saiyan? Episode 54 : Ginyu Assault Burter and Jeice attack Goku. But Goku's new power is too much for them. Episode 55 : Incredible Force! Captain Ginyu starts a battle with Goku. Goku cleverly hides his true power. Then Goku reveals his true powera power unlike anything Jeice and Ginyu had anticipated. Episode 56 : Frieza Approaches Captain Ginyu and Jeice face up to Goku then realize what they're up against. Nail returns to defend Guru from Frieza. Episode 57 : Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku Frieza battles Nail in an attempt to find the password for the Dragon Balls. Goku face the rest of the Ginyu force. Episode 58 : Calling the Eternal Dragon Vegeta's plan to recapture the Dragon Balls is put on hold since Gohan and Krillin find the buried treasure. Captain Ginyu shows up in Goku's body. Episode 59 : Gohan Defeat Your Dad! Gohan and Krillin battle Captain Ginyu, disguised in Goku's body. Episode 60: Captain GinyuThe Frog An injured Captain Ginyu awaits Vegeta's onslaught. Episode 61 : Password is Porunga Nail reveals to Frieza his plot, to stall him long enough for the Earthlings to summon Porunga, the Namekian Dragon! Episode 62 : Piccolo's Return Gohan and Krillin summon the Porunga, the Namekian Dragon, to make their wishes. They learn that only one person can be returned for each wish. Vegeta arrives before the last wish is cast. Episode 63 : The Fusion Frieza is mad when he finds out the Namekian Dragon Balls are gone! Piccolo arrives on the planet Namek to find an injured Nail. Episode 64 : Fighting Power: One Million? Frieza's past is explained as his destruction of the Saiyan home planet is revealed. But he has other secrets. Episode 65 : Gohan Attacks Krillin makes a sacrifice and falls prey to Frieza. Episode 66 : Dj Vu Piccolo and Nail, launch into a brawl with Frieza. Episode 67 : Frieza's Second Transformation The powers of Nail and Piccolo continue to struggle against Frieza. Frieza gives Piccolo a beating. Episode 68 : Another Transformation? Gohan unleashes an attack that nearly topples Frieza. Vegeta reveals his plan. But Frieza also has a plan of his own: his final transformation! Episode 69 : Dende's Demise Having reached his ultimate form, Frieza begins his assault. It becomes clear that Piccolo, Krillin and Gohan don't stand a chance. Vegeta comes to the rescue, wanting to fight Frieza single-handedly! Episode 70 : The Renewed Goku Vegeta proves to be no match for Frieza. Vegeta's dreams of becoming a Super Saiyan fade away. Goku's healing's almost complete. Episode 71 : The End of Vegeta The revitalized Goku arrives on Namek, but not in time to save Vegeta. Episode 72 : The Ultimate Battle Goku wages a battle with Frieza. Episode 73 : Clash of the Super Powers Goku and Frieza continue to match strength on Namek. Episode 74 : Frieza's Boast Frieza vows to battle Goku without using his hands. Captain Ginyu manages to pull a switcheroo on Bulma, leaving her trapped in the body of a frog. Episode 75 : Bold and Fearless Captain Ginyu returns to the battlefield in Bulma's body. Episode 76 : Embodiment of Fire Goku is in hot water when his Kaio-Ken Attack has no effect on Frieza who's only at his fifty-percent of his maximum power level. A dreamlike vision helps Goku to awaken to an even higher level of power and strength. Episode 77 : Trump Card Goku is rescued by a vision. Vegeta talks to Goku from beyond the grave to offer the ailing Saiyan new hope and encouragement. Episode 78 : Keep the Chance Alive Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu are scared when the members of the Ginyu Force pay them a surprise visit at King Kai's planet. Frieza stops Goku's efforts to gather enough energy to form the Spirit Bomb. Episode 79 : Power of the Spirit Chaos erupts on King Kai's planet as the Z soilders battle the Ginyu Force. A battle between Piccolo and Frieza buys Goku the time he needs to finish gathering enough energy to form the Spirit Bomb! It looks like the battle is over at last. Episode 80 : Transformed at Last A victory celebration comes to an end when Frieza reappears on the battlefield. Goku undergoes a wild transformation. Episode 81 : Explosion of Anger A rejuvenated Goku explains the he's now a Super Saiyan. Frieza is horrified when he realizes that Goku is now superior to him. Episode 82 : Namek's Destruction Finding Goku's Super Saiyan strength to be too much, Frieza directs his attack at the planet Namek! Since he can't react in time, Goku is forced to watch helplessly. Episode 83 : A Final Attack Goku launches an attack against Frieza. But Frieza has a few tricks left up his sleeve. Episode 84 : Approaching Destruction The battle between Goku and Frieza continues. Back on Earth, the seven Dragon Balls have been collected. King Kai makes a plan that may save his friends on Namek and put an end to Frieza. Episode 85 : Gohan Returns The first part of King Kai's plan is complete and all of Frieza's victims have been wished back to life. Goku falls as Frieza launches a final assault. Gohan rushes to the scene. Episode 86 : The Last Wish Guru and the people of Namek have been brought back to life, and the dragon Porunga reappears to grant the last of three wishes. Dende races to make the final wish of King Kai's plan. Frieza has in own wish in mind and also races towards the dragon. Episode 87 : Dual on a Vanishing Planet Goku remains on Namek to finish Frieza. With Namek about to explode, there seems no way for Goku to defeat Frieza and escape from the planet in time. Episode 88 : Pathos of Frieza It looks as though the once unstoppable Frieza has finally been outmatched. Episode 89 : Frieza's Defeated! Frieza's attempts to destroy Goku become more reckless. It seems Frieza's fear has come true-defeat at the hands of a Super Saiyan. Episode 90 : Mighty Blast of Rage Frieza's down but not out! Frieza fires a final energy blast after Goku as he leaves the battlefield. Episode 91 : Namek's ExplosionGoku's End? The Namekian Dragon Balls have followed Goku all the way back to Earth. Even though it looks like Goku is going to be trapped on the exploding planet- the Dragon Balls have the power to bring Goku back! Episode 92 : Goku's Alive! Old friends are wished home with the Dragon Balls. GARLIC JR'S SAGA Episode 93 : The Heaven's Tremble Looks as though peace has once again returned to the Earth. But an evil force is looking for revenge. Episode 94 : Black Fog of Terror Garlic Junior has released the Black Water Mist. As the dreaded fog spreads, so does Garlic Junior's control over the Earth. Episode 95 : Battle in Kami's Lookout Gohan and Krillin race toward Kami's Lookout in hopes of retrieving the one thing capable of reversing the effects of the Black Water Mist-the Sacred Water. Episode 96 : Fight With Piccolo Gohan and Krillin reach Kami's Lookout, but come face to face with Garlic Jr.'s new watchout-Piccolo! Episode 97 : Call For Restoration Gohan continues to suffer Piccolo's hold. Krillin attempts to free Kami and Mr. Popo, but also falls to the Black Water Mist. Episode 98 : Suicidal Course Piccolo and Krillin spring their plot and reveal that they have only pretended to be infected with the Black Water Mist! Kami and Mr. Popo make a run for the Sacred Water. Episode 99 : Extreme Measures Garlic Jr. and his Spice Boys have harnessed the power of the Makyo Star to become stronger than ever, but Gohan, Krillin and Piccolo are ready to meet this new threat! Episode 100 : The World Awakens Gohan launches an assault on Garlic Jr. Episode 101 : Brief Chance for Victory Garlic Jr. uses his power to open up the Dead Zone. Gohan is the only one left who can stop him. Episode 102 : Krillin's Proposal Peace has once again been restored to Earth. FREIZA'S RETURN Episode 103 : Frieza's Counterattack Gohan's cracking the books, and his new tutor is cracking the whip! But study time is almost over, for a powerful evil is racing toward the Earth! Episode 104 : The Mysterious Youth The Earth faces its darkest hour as Frieza and his father King Cold rapidly approach! Episode 105 : Another Super Saiyan? Frieza and King Cold have descended upon the Earth, but a mysterious lone warrior has come to thwart their diabolical plans of revenge. CELL'S SAGA Episode 106 : Welcome Back Goku After handily beating Frieza and his evil father, King Cold, the mysterious stranger announces the exact time and place of Goku's arrival on Earth. Episode 107 : Mystery Revealed After testing Goku in combat, the mysterious stranger reveals his true identity! Episode 108 : Goku's Special Technique The future has been written -- or has it? That's what Goku and the rest of the Z Fighters must decide as they learn of Trunks' ominous warning. The Androids are coming! Episode 109 : Z Warriors Prepare Gohan's learning some new tricks, Vegeta is pushing himself to the breaking point, and Yamcha's struggling just to keep up as everyone prepares to face the looming Android menace! Episode 110 : Goku's Ordeal ChiChi wants a car! And Goku and Piccolo must take a day off from training to enroll in driving school. These two mighty warriors may be the Earth's only chance of survival, but what are the chances they'll learn how to parallel park? Episode 111 : The Androids Appear Three years have come and gone, and the day of reckoning has finally arrived! The Androids are here, just as Trunks predicted, and they're wreaking havoc on an unsuspecting city! Episode 112 : A Handy Trick Yamcha is held at the mercy of the ruthless Android 20, and Goku and the others must race to help their friend. Episode 113 : Double Trouble for Goku The battle with the Androids begins in earnest as Goku launches an all out assault against Android 19. The Super Saiyan seems to have the fight well under control, but something is horribly wrong! Goku's strength is mysteriously draining away! Episode 114 : Upgrade to Super Saiyan Attacked from within by a crippling virus, Goku is helpless against the maniacal Android 19. But just when it looks like the end for Goku, Vegeta appears on the scene! And he's got a few big surprises in store for the Androids! Episode 115 : The Secret of Dr. Gero In his first fight as a Super Saiyan, Vegeta takes control of the battlefield and defeats Android 19 in convincing fashion! Episode 116 : More Androids?! Vegeta, Piccolo, and Gohan lead an exhaustive search through the mountains for the wily Android 20. Episode 117 : Follow Dr. Gero Our heroes make a startling discovery - Android 20 is none other than the evil Dr. Gero himself! Episode 118 : Nightmare Comes True The race is on, as the Z-Fighters engage in a frantic search for Dr. Gero's hidden laboratory! But rather than stop the androids before they're activated, Vegeta wants a challenge! Episode 119 : Goku's Assassin The demented Dr. Gero escapes to his mountain hideout and brings his killer androids to life. Without the help of Goku, who's bedridden with a deadly disease, all hope seems lost. It looks like Dr. Gero will finally get his revenge against Goku. Episode 120 : Deadly Beauty Vegeta faces off with Android 18 for a showdown on the highway. Even though Trunks and the others are there to help, the Saiyan prince insists on battling his opponent single-handedly! Episode 121 : No Match for the Androids In an earthshaking battle, the beautiful Android 18 brings Vegeta to his knees. But before she can deliver the final blow, Trunks steps in to help. Soon an all out war between good and evil begins, with the androids gaining the upper hand. Episode 122 : Last Ditch Effort Struggling to recover from their fight with the androids, Vegeta, Trunks, Tien and Piccolo realize a grim truth: unless they can increase their powers quickly, they have no chance against the android trio. Episode 123 : Closing In The evil androids hit the road in hot pursuit of Goku but are delayed by some hyperactive hoodlums. Krillin and Trunks race to move Goku to a safer hiding place, while up in the clouds Kami wrestles with Piccolo's difficult offer. Episode 124 : Unwelcome Discovery With the androids close behind, the Z-fighters retreat to Master Roshi's house to plan their next move. Bulma makes a disquieting discovery - the wreckage of a second time capsule! Episode 125 : Seized with Fear Trunks and Krillin join Bulma at the crash site of the mysterious time capsule and find an eerie clue-- the shell of a large, locust-like creature! Episode 126 : The Reunion It's doomsday in Gingertown, a quiet city near the crash site of the time capsule. Episode 127 : Borrowed Powers The deserted streets of Gingertown become a battlefield as the powered-up Piccolo confronts this terror from the future. The monster's name is Cell, and he gains strength from sucking the life out of his victims! Episode 128 : His Name is Cell A fleet of tanks roll into Gingertown to destroy the new threat, but Cell quiets the army's attempt with one swift blow. Episode 129 : Piccolo's Folly Piccolo has been badly injured from his fight with the android Cell, but he cleverly distracts Cell long enough to regenerate his stricken arm. Now Piccolo is ready for another round, and Krillin and Trunks have arrived for backup! Episode 130 : Laboratory Basement Escaping the heroes, Cell strives to carry out his awful plan. By absorbing Androids 17 and 18, Cell can evolve to his perfect, unstoppable form! To save the future, Trunks and Krillin race to destroy Dr. Gero's lab, while Piccolo and Tien search for the elusive Cell. Episode 131 : Our Hero Awakes After learning that Cell came from his own bleak future, Trunks is left to ponder the effects of his journey through time. In South City, Cell plows through more civilians and accidentally runs into Krillin! Goku finally gets back on his feet, but with Cell and the other androids in full stride, can the Saiyan hero still make a difference? Episode 132 : Time Chamber As Cell continues his deadly march, Goku jumps back into action with an ingenious plan. By training in Kami's Hyperbolic Time Chamber, he, Gohan, Trunks and Vegeta can get a year of training in just one day! Episode 133 :The Monster Is Coming Behind the closed doors of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Vegeta and Trunks struggle to push past the level of Super Saiyan, while Gohan and Goku wait for their own chance to train. Down on earth, Piccolo challenges Android 17 to a battle and quickly gains the advantage. But don't look now, Cell is on his way! Episode 134 : He's Here Fabulously strong after uniting with Kami, Piccolo spearheads the battle against the androids! And it looks like the Super Namek has things well under control until an unexpected guest arrives at the battlefield! It's Cell! Episode 135 : Up to Piccolo Just as Cell is about to absorb Android 17, Piccolo bravely steps in and foils Cell's plan! But with Goku and Gohan still waiting for Vegeta and Trunks to finish their training, does Piccolo really have a chance of stopping Cell on his own?! Episode 136 : Silent Warrior Sixteen! When the silent giant tells 17 that he is "just as strong as Cell", it seems like a wild claim! Episode 137 : Say Goodbye, 17 Fire fights fire and android fights android, as the titan 16 clashes against Cell. Miraculously, Android 16 proves himself to be the stronger fighter, but Cell is far too driven to be stopped now! With an underhanded attack, Cell sneaks up on 17 and turns the tables once again! Cell transforms! Episode 138 : Sacrifice Tien takes matters into his own hand-and head! With an onslaught of psychic blasts, Tien drives back Cell and gives Android 16 and 18 a chance to escape. Episode 139 : Saiyans Emerge Trunks and Vegeta emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber after a year of intense training. Episode 140 : Super Vegeta Anxious to find 18, the heartless Cell obliterates a chain of inhabited islands, with each explosion bringing him closer to the android's hideout! Episode 141 : Bow to the Prince It's show-and-tell for Vegeta as he demonstrates just how much difference a year of hard work can make! Episode 142 : Hour of Temptation Goku and Gohan continue to push themselves forward, but will they even be needed? In his powered-up state, Vegeta is quickly pounding Cell six feet into the ground! With his back against the wall, the ever-clever android attacks Vegeta's weakest point-his unbridled arrogance! Episode 143 : Krillin's Decision With the controller Bulma made to deactive the Androids, Krillin approaches Android 18 to destroy her and so prevent Cell from becoming complete. But Krillin has feelings for 18, and he can't bring himself to kill her. Instead, he crushes the control. Episode 144 : The Last Defense With the remote control smashed and Vegeta giving Cell the go-ahead, the stage is set is for Cell's terrifying completion. Now it's up to Krillin and Trunks to save 18 from Cell's power-hungry grasp. Episode 145 : Cell is Complete Dr. Gero's dream has been realized, and the earth's greatest fear has come true. Cell is complete! Can anyone stop the android nightmare in his final, perfect form? Episode 146 : Vegeta Must Pay Trunks races to Krillin's side after Cell crushes the small hero with one lethal kick. Next comes Vegeta. He allowed Cell to reach his final form, and now he wants the challenge he was promised. But as Cell becomes a brick wall to the Saiyan's every move, it's clear that Vegeta has more than he bargained for! Episode 147 : Trunks Ascends Vegeta doubles as a punching bag as Cell demonstrates his amazing power. But the Saiyan Prince never surrenders! Tapping into the deepest wells of his energy, Vegeta leaves Cell with one last hit-the Final Flash! Episode 148 : Saving Throw Vegeta lies unconscious after an intense battle with Cell, and Trunks unleashes his hidden powers to save his father's life. With Goku and Gohan still training and the other fighters clearly out-leagued, Trunks is the only person standing in the evil android's way. Episode 149 : Ghosts from Tomorrow As apocalyptic visions of the future haunt his mind, Trunks vows to stop his horrible future from repeating. But Cell remembers those dark days in a different light, and can't wait for history to follow its course. It's all up for grabs as the two warriors prepare for battle. Only one future will survive. Episode 150 : The Cell Games Cell and Trunks face off in a power struggle to prove who is stronger. The young Super Saiyan's powers ascend to new levels but Cell proves he is equally as powerful. Trunks accepts defeat only to be given a second chance when Cell proposes a martial arts tournament that will bring the worlds greatest fighters together in one place. Is Cell interested in competition or does he have a more sinister plan? Episode 151 : What is the Tournament? Vegita and Krillin find Trunks after his battle with Cell. They learn of Cell's plan to hold a tournament to decide who is the greatest fighter once and for all. Master Roshi recalls the history of the World's Martial Arts Tournament and Cell builds an arena where the tournament will take place. Will this be a one-sided competition that only Cell can win? Episode 152 : The Doomsday Broadcast Dr. Brief attempts to repair the damaged Android 16. The team waits impatiently at the Capsule Corporation for Cell to come out of hiding. Cell takes over a television station and announces to the world the time and place of his martial arts tournament. Are there any challengers left with the strength and courage to get in the ring with the scheming serpent? Episode 153 : Meet Me In the Ring Goku and Gohan have finished the most intense part of their training and have emerged from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Meanwhile, the good citizens of earth are in a panic as they flee their towns to escape Cell's looming vengeance. But Goku feels he's ready for battle after a trip down to size up Cell. Episode 154 : No Worries Here With only nine days left until the tournament with Cell, it seems Goku has decided he's had enough training. So, along with Gohan, the two have returned to earth to pick up Chi Chi and spend a little quality R & R time fishing. Meanwhile, all of Goku's friends think he's lost it because he refuses to train. The question is, has he gone loopy or does he have something up his sleeve that we don't know about yet?! Episode 155 : A Girl Named Lime While out shopping for his Mother, Gohan stumbles upon a village that has retreated to a nearby shelter. But when a little girl named Lime shows Gohan that the owner of the shelter is merely capitalizing on the villagers' fear of Cell, Gohan comes up with a Super Saiyan solution to the problem! . . . Episode 156 : Memories of Gohan As the countdown continues until the commencement of the Cell Game, Goku continues his strategy of enjoying the remaining time with his family and Krillin! Go fishing with Goku and Krillin, and stroll down memory lane with Chichi, until it's time for a very special boy to blow out the candles! . . . Episode 157 : A New Guardian With the day of the tournament drawing near, Goku seems oddly relaxed. That is, until the Royal Military foolishly tries to stop Cell with ordinary weapons! The attack quickly becomes a suicide mission, and now Goku is determined to bring them back! But that would require new Dragon Balls?! Episode 158 : Dende's Dragon After a little help from King Kai, Goku travels to the new planet Namek to recruit a new guardian for the Earth! Most of the Nameks quickly refuse the offer, but there's one little guy who can't wait to go! Dende is back, and he's going to create a new Dragon! Episode 159 : The Puzzle of General Tao Goku encounters General Tao and Mr. Bourbon, a gangster who is also collecting the Dragon Balls. Goku solves a puzzle to get their two Dragon Balls, and then finds all seven. The tournament is one hour away. Episode 160 : The Games Begin The tournament day has come, and all the fighters gather at ringside. Goku wants to go first, but Hercule annoyingly insists on fighting first. Realizing Hercule's thick-headedness, Goku agrees. Episode 161 : Losers Fight First Hercule insists on fighting before Goku. First Hercule's students, Caroni and Pirozhki, fight Cell and are quickly defeated by Cell's energy aura. Then Hercule steps up and is quickly thrown from the ring. Now the games can really begin: It's Goku's turn. Episode 162 : Goku Vs. Cell Goku and Cell begin their fight and both are having fun, testing eachother and enjoying a good fight. After a long round, they announce they're done with their warm-up and start again. Episode 163 : Cell's Bag of Tricks The fight continues more intensely. Cell demonstrates moves of other fighters, such as Tien's split-form and energy blasts of Piccolo and Frieza. Finally, Cell fires a huge Kamehameha that could destroy the earth. Goku evades it using Instant Transmission. Episode 164 : No More Rules Cell destroys his ring so he and Goku will be free to fight until the very end without restrictions. Goku puts all of his energy into a Kamehameha and disentegrates the top half of Cell. Episode 165 : The Fight Is Over Cell regenerates and his fight with Goku continues. Cell creates a defensive barrier because he is injured, but Goku is even more drained. Cell urges Goku to take a Senzu Bean so they can continue fighting, but Goku unexpectedly gives up. Episode 166 : Faith in a Boy To everyone's surprise, Goku appoints Gohan as the next contestant against Cell. He is so confident of his son that he gives Cell a Senzu Bean so that Gohan can fight Cell in his best condition. The fight begins. Episode 167 : Gohan's Desperate Plea Gohan and Cell fight, and Gohan is not trying his hardest. He asks Cell to stop the tournament, because he doesn't like fighting or killing, and he knows that if Cell makes him unleash his dormant power Cell will die. Cell is determined to see that power. Episode 168 : Android Explosion After hearing of Gohan's amazing power, Cell is determined to unleash the Saiyan boy's full potential. Episode 169 : Cell Juniors Attack! Gohan is in rage when the Cell Juniors wreak havoc on the other Z-Fighters. Still, the young Super Saiyan refuses to bend to Cell's will and fight. Episode 170 : Awakening Gohan attacks and his amazing power is unleashed! With his amazing new strength and speed, he destroys the wicked Cell Juniors. Episode 171 : The Unstoppable Gohan Cell's deepest desire becomes his worst nightmare, as Gohan turns his full power on the evil android. Even in his Ultimate Form, Cell is helpless against the Super Saiyan's attacks. Episode 172 : Cell's Break Down Gohan's Super Saiyan powers seem to have no limit, as the young hero delivers Cell a punch so severe it causes the monster to cough up Android 18! Episode 173 : A Hero's Farewell Clearly outmatched by the powered-up Gohan, Cell initiates his last line of defence - a self-destruct program that will blow up the entire planet! Episode 174 : Cell Returns! The nightmare continues! Cell explodes, but he is not completely destroyed! A particle of Cell's nucleus survives the blast, which is all the sinister android needs to regenerate himself! Episode 175 : The Horror Won't End Is Cell invicible? After easily getting rid of Trunks and Vegeta, he certainly seems to be! Realizing his full potential, Cell announces a new plan...To destroy the Earth, then the Universe! Episode 176 : Save the World The final showdown begins! Cell has returned more powerful than ever, and it's all up to Gohan to put him down! Episode 177 : Goku's Decision Cell is a finally defeated, but the Z-Fighters still have much to resolve! Can they make it to the Lookout in time to heal the battle-scarred Gohan? Episode 178 : One More Wish After Goku's decision to stay in the after-world, Krillin uses the final wish to help out Android Eighteen! But who is going to help Krillin reveal his true feelings for the beautiful Android? Episode 179 : Free the Future Even though peace and order have been re-established on Earth in the present, Trucks' future world remains a place of darkenss and despair! Androids 17 and 18 are on a rampage creating havoc! THE GREAT SAIYAMAN Episode 180 : Warriors of the Dead When Goku hears about a martial arts master known as the Grand Kai, he rushes to meet him for a lesson! But before the Grand Kai will agree to anything, Goku must solve a problem. Cell, Frieza, King Cold and the Ginyu Force have all teamed up in Other World and are trying to take control! Episode 181 : Tournament Begins Goku learns he'll have to train for 10,000 years before he can learn from the Grand Kai! But when the West, South, and East Kai's decide to hold an Other World Tournament, Goku gets his chance! Episode 182 : Water Fight The Other World Tournament advances to the Quarter-Finals, and the battles are out of this world! Goku's opponent Arqua appears to be a wimp, but that changes quickly when he transforms the entire ring into water! Episode 183 : Final Round After barely escaping the dinosaur Miaraikoh's meteor bombardment, Goku advances to the tournament's final round where he must face the warrior Pikkon! Episode 184 : Goku vs. Pikkon The final round of the Other World Tournament climbs to conclusion, as Goku and Pikkon power up to their most explosive levels! Goku may be a Super Saiyan, but can he withstand Pikkon's unbelievable Thunder Flash Attack? BUU'S SAGA Episode 185 : Gohan Goes to High School On the way to his first day of high school, Gohan stops a truckload of back robbers by turning Super Saiyan. But now the city can't stop talking about this mysterious "Gold Figher!" Can Gohan get through class without revealing his secret identity? It seems the person most likely to figure him out is none other than...Mr. Satan's daughter! Episode 186 : I am Saiyaman Afraid his classmates will recognize him as the "Gold Fighter", Gohan goes to Bulma for help. Bulma uses her high-tech wizardry to design a retractable super hero costume that Gohan can activate in an instant, allowing him to protect the city safely behind a mask! Episode 187 : Gohan's First Date Gohan thinks being a super-hero is going to be easy until a pretty girl named Angela discovers his secret. When Angela threatens to tell all unless he goes on a date with her, Gohan's life suddenly becomes more complicated. Episode 188 : Rescue Videl When the Red Shark Gang kidnaps the mayor and demands a showdown with Mr. Satan, it's Videl who answers the challenge. Gohan knows that Videl is in over her head, but can't leave his classroom to help her without blowing his cover! Episode 189 : Blackmail When a greedy circus promoter kidnaps a baby dinosaur named Chobi, all he can see are dollar signs! Little does he know that the dinosaur is a personal friend of the great Saiyaman! Episode 190 : I'll Fight Too! The Great Saiyaman (a.k.a. Gohan) is making his big break into the movies. But the hero's brush with stardom can't last long because he has to hurry up and tell all of his old friends that Goku's coming back to fight in the World Martial Arts Tournament! Episode 191 : The Newest Super Saiyan When Gohan and Goten begin their training for the upcoming tournament, Gohan discovers that Goten has already reached the level of Super Saiyan. Episode 192 : Take Flight, Videl With the World Martial Arts Tournament fast approaching, Videl and Goten must learn to fly, and fast! Gohan reveals the secret to flying, and struggles to coach his two students into the air! Episode 193 : Gather for the Tournament Videl masters the art of flying, and Gohan and Goten do some last minute tuning of their Super Saiyan skills. The Z Fighters finally reunite on a small island where the tournament will be held. Episode 194 : Camera Shy Crowds of fans and fighters line the tournament streets. Among them: the high school jock Sharpner, who discovers his crush Videl has set her heart on the mysteriours Great Saiyaman! Episode 195 : The World Tournament The World Martial Arts Tournament opens with the Junior Division. Thirty-five young fighters fight for the ultimate prize. But the matches prove to be more comedy than competition! Episode 196 : Trunks vs. Goten Goten and Trunks continue to breeze through the Junior Division of the World Tournament until they find themselves going head to head in the finals! Episode 197 : Best of the Boys The match of the Junior Division World Championship continues as Goten and Trunks battle brilliantly for the title! Episode 198 : Big Trouble, Little Trunks Two strange men appear and introduce themselves to Goku before the adult competition. They plan on fighting in the tournament. Episode 199 : Who Will Fight Who? The Adult tournament is about to begin. Goten and Trunks wear the suit so they can fight with the adults in the tournament. Episode 200 : Forfeit of Piccolo Krillin easily defeats Pintar. Piccolo gets freaked out and forfeits before his fight with Mr. Shin. Videl and Spopovich are next to fight, but there's something strange about him. Episode 201 : A Dark and Secret Power Videl starts a strong attack against Spopovich. But Spopovich is uninjured. Piccolo asks Mr. Shin if he's the Grand King Kai, but he says he's the Supreme Kai, the highest guardian of all. Episode 202 : Videl Is Crushed Yamu tells Spopovich to finish Videl. But the Z Fighters realize Spopovich is fighting with power not his own. Episode 203 : Identities Revealed Gohan gives Videl a Senzu Bean while visiting her in the hospital. The tournament continues and Gohan faces Kibito. Kibito's identity is revealed, and the Supreme Kai asks Gohan to help by becoming a Super Sayain. Episode 204 : Energy Drain Spopovich steals Gohan's power and escapes with Yamu. Kibito heals Gohan, Goku, Vegeta and others while the Supreme Kai tells the story of Bibadi, Babidi, and Buu. Episode 205 : The Wizard's Curse The chase for Spopovich and Yamu is on. Duba, King of the Demons is being controlled by Babidi now. Babidi and Puipui kill Yamu and Spopovich after stealing energy. Episode 206 : King of the Demons Vegeta, Goku, Gohan and Supreme Kai enter Babidi's three level ship. Puipui is guarding the first level to absorb energy the fighters lose. Vegeta and Puipui will fight. Episode 207 : Vegeta Attacks Vegeta defeats Puipui easily in stage one. They move on to stage two, where Goku will fight "Demon Monster" Yacon. Episode 208 : Next Up, Goku Badidi transports Goku and Yacon's fight to the Planet of Darkness. Goku not only has to battle Yacon, but the evil wizard's black magic as well. Episode 209 : Battle Supreme Dabura prepares for battle against Gohan. The five remaining at the tournament start a super battle. Episode 210 : Eighteen Unmasks After an intense fight, it comes down to three finalists: Number 18, Mighty Mask and the current champ, Hercule. Can Hercule keep his title? Episode 211 : Pay to Win Number 18 throws the fight for twice the prize money and Hercule is declared the champion. Videl spreads the news about Babidi. Dabura and Gohan begin their fight. Episode 212 : Heart of a Villain Gohan narrowly avoids being turned to stone and then he breaks Dabura's sword. Dabura discovers the evil in Vegeta's heart, meaning Babidi can control Vegeta. Episode 213 : The Dark Prince Returns Vegeta heads to the Martial Arts tournament where Hercule is celebrating. Vegeta brutally attacks spectators and Goku tries to stop him. Episode 214 : Vegeta's Pride Supreme Kai tries to prevent a battle between Goku and Vegeta. Babidi has awoken all of Vegeta's harted, but Babidi cannot control him. Vegeta only wants to fight Goku. Episode 215 : The Long Awaited Fight Goku and Vegeta fight. Gohan and Supreme Kai confront Babidi and Dabura at the ship's core and see a balled-up Buu. Episode 216 : Magic Ball of Buu Buu gathers enough power from Vegeta and Goku to hatch. Vegeta reveals he willingly let Babidi possess him in order to increase his power and allow him to beat Goku. Episode 217 : Buu is Hatched In a last attempt, Gohan fires at Buu's egg as he begins to hatch. It seems to have worked, but Buu appears. Vegeta and Goku continue their fight, but sense Buu's energy. Episode 218 : The Losses Begin Goku tries to persuade Vegeta to help him fight Buu. At Badidi's command, Buu attacks Gohan and Supreme Kai. Episode 219 : The Terror of Mr. Buu Buu leaves Gohan for dead in a forest. Next Buu nearly kills Kai. But Dabura steps in. Trunks accidentally shatters the stone Piccolo, while he and Goten search the former battlefield.