Forms of the sayajin 
Sayajin(NORMAL) In this form you have an average build black hair and born with a a tail.

Super Sayajin (SSJ) A super sayajin is when you max out your power level. You get a bigger build,turquoise eyes,and your hair turns a golden yellow colour.

Ultra Super Sayajin(Ascended) In this form your body gets a bigger build and your hair is sharper. Your power level gets a lot bigger. The disadvanatge to this level of sayajin is your slow speed.

Super Sayajin 2(SSJ2) In this stage your hair gets longer and pointier. You become surrounded by electricity. You build becomes bigger but not as big as in Ultra Super Sayajin form.Your power level is small amount larger than Ultra Super Sayajin form.

Super Sayajin 3(SSJ3) In this transformation your hair becomes very long and grows down to your butt. Your eyebrows dissapear and you get a bigger build. This stage of sayajin can only be acheived through training and can only be used for a short time.

Super Sayajin 4(SSJ4) This is the only stage of Super Sayajin that was not originally drawn by Akira Toriyama. In this form you go from Golden Oouzaru to a SSJ4. This is the best of all forms it has no drawbacks. Your hair turns black and very long. You get a huge build and lots of fur.

SUPER SAYAJIN 5 the syajin every one want's to know it is the first pic realeased of dragon ball af hiting japan soon it is not created by akira. .jpg)
SUPER SAYAJIN 6 (ssj6) Super saijin 6 is the last known stage of a sayajin. This form is much stronger than ssj5. In this form the middle of the sayajin's hair is red and the rest is a light blue color. The saijin also gets red skin.
